
Industrial Water Filters - Custom Provide Service


High Capacity and Efficiency Industrial Water Treatment Media Filters

Custom and turn-key water treatment filtration systemsIndustrial Water Filters - Custom Provide Service

  • China Manufacturer & Exporter

  • High-quality Industrial Filter media

  • Various Kinds of Filter Elements

  • Easy operation

  • High Capacity and Efficiency

  • OEM service

  • Applicable Various Industries

  • Various Styles to Choose

Why Choose Industrial Water Filters?


Industrial water filters remove impurities from the water used in an industrial process. Without the industrial water filter, impurities could otherwise damage equipment or affect the quality of the process or final product.


Industrial water filters for industrial water purification come in a range of sizes and water filter media. Common industrial filters include self-cleaning filters, stainless steel filter housings, and cartridge filter media.


Industrial filtration units have an auto-cleansing functionality as they automatically backwash and rinse on a periodic time clock basis. This serves to cleanse and reclassify the filter media.

How to Choose An Industrial Filtration System Or Filters

Particle Size

When selecting a filtration system, the first question you need to ask is “What are you filtering out?” Are the particles you are filtering out big or small? Organic or inorganic?

By first identifying what you need to filter out, or if there are any industry standards you must follow, you can begin to narrow down which filter is best for you. It is also important to note that the smaller the micron rating the quicker it becomes clogged, which can cause damage to the system.

Operating Conditions and Chemical Compatibility

Operating conditions like temperature and pressure play a major role in what filtration system is best for you. If your system has liquid running through it that is hotter than 140°F, you’ll need to use a metal system rather than a plastic filtration system. Likewise, you need to be aware of the pressure limitations of your filter.If the filter is not chemically compatible with the liquid flowing through it, it could result in the degradation to the filter which would allow contaminants to continue to flow within the stream. When choosing a filtration system, it is important to note if any chemicals are flowing through the system and then research to ensure they are compatible with the filtration materials.

Physical Configuration of Filter Housing

The physical configuration of the filtration systems housing comes in many different shapes and sizes. Not only are there a myriad of different systems to choose from (such as cartridge filters, single or multi-bag filter systems, and candle filter housing), but you also need to consider other physical constraints. Is the area for your filtration system big or small?

You also need to decide if you want a self-cleaning filtration system or a manual system. Both have their advantages and often the biggest decision-making factor between the two is money. Self-cleaning is a higher cost upfront but can save you money in the long run. And certainly, you’ll need to consider other more practical things, like what is your end connection type or what materials are the rest of the system made up of.

How To Size Industrial Water Filters

In addition to the service flow, the selection of an industrial filtration system must take into account the available backwash flow rate. This is the most important function in the proper operation of a filter. Periodically, the accumulated impurities must be removed (backwashed) from the industrial filter. Backwash flow rates are always much higher than service flow rates and therefore limit the size of the filter that can be installed. As a general rule in sizing industrial filters, select the largest filter that can be back-washed with the flow rate available at the point of filter installation, then note the service flow rate for the filter selected. If it is not adequate for the flow to be treated, a twin or triple filter installed in parallel is required.

If you need information about your water to complete the calculator, Please contact our engineer. To view other industrial filter sizing calculators and guides, see the industrial water filter guide & sizing calculators page. 

  YUBO-Manufacturer for Your Industrial Filters Service   

As you investigate filtration systems, it’s important to consider all of your options and take your time making decisions. The filtration system is one of the most important components of an operating system. Consider what type of particles you will be filtering out and what the chemical compatibility of your system is then explore your options to find which system is the best fit for you. If you have any questions during this process, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our Customer Service is happy to help!

Contact us right now at admin@yuanlvfilter.com or WhatsApp: 86-18032153916 to purchase suit your industrial filter media housing. Our experienced engineers are ready to help.

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Reach out to our filtration experts, they will share many options and strategies to help you reach even greater manufacturing productivity and profitability while avoiding common pitfalls, problems and filtration frustrations. 

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