
Centrifuge Baskets


Centrifuge Screen Baskets


Do you demand efficiency and the highest quality in a final product? Do you care about process continuity and installation safety? Take advantage of the centrifuge screens baskets' potential. A proven design, a broad range of profiles, and parameters that make them perfect for separating and dewatering, such as coal dust, salt, mineral materials, sugar, wastewater, or oil. 

We provide a wide range of wedge wire baskets for most brands and centrifuges models.

Production technologies

Centrifuge screen baskets are manufactured based on wedge wire screens. The advanced technology of welding and sealing ensures high precision in the required tolerances. Cylinders and conical baskets are equipped with flanges, reinforcements, or special fittings tailored to the customer’s individual needs. We engage a team of experienced engineers and technologists, who use modern machinery, in the basket’s production process and design improvement.

Our centrifuge baskets deliver filtration and screening solutions for mining, pulp, and paper, and food and beverage applications. Our centrifuge screen baskets are designed with the optimum Vee-Wire profile, aperture size, and direction to improve product life and dewatering efficiency under centrifugal methods. The wedge wire screen baskets fit into any existing or new centrifuge application.

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