
FAQ about Coanda Screens


Coanda Screens

What is a Coanda Screens?

Coanda Screens are filtration products that operate to intake clean water by using the Coanda effect phenomenon. These products are used in many applications from agricultural to hydroelectric power plants. Coanda (Intake) Screen – also called Coanda Effect Screen- provides cleaning by its angled V profiles and curved geometry and consume zero energy with no-moving parts.

Where is Coanda Screens used?

The most common applications of Coanda Screens are intaking clean water to produce electricity. For example, Coanda Intake screens prevent turbine blades from harmful materials and they clean the water in hydroelectric plants.

In addition, they are used in agricultural applications, sewage treatment, dewatering, and more applications. 

How does Coanda Screens work?

The working principle of the Coanda Screens is dependent on the Coanda phenomenon. Its V-shaped special profiles help water to flow through gaps between the profiles.  In this way, gaps and angles between the V profiles prevent debris or unwanted materials to go through while allowing clean water to flow.

What are the benefits of the Coanda Screens?

The Coanda screens provide you with superior filtering. Coanda Screen has no moving parts and it is self-cleaning. Therefore, it requires almost no maintenance and has a long operating life. The fact that it is environmentally friendly and that it does not consume any power is a benefit of the Coanda Screen.

How Does Coanda Screens Technically Work?

The curved screen of the Coanda Screen consists of V-shaped wedge wires that are placed in exact locations that will create a Coanda effect for the filtration. These wedge wires have a specific gap and tilt angle relative to each other.

In the design of the Coanda Screen, important parameters such as tilt angle, open gap, acceleration plate and curved screen must be taken into account. Because more gaps and high tilt angles cause poor filtration performance but high capacity. Thus, an undesirable situation occurs with ineffective filtration performance.

Advantages of Coanda Screens

Coanda Screens is an effective solution to get clean water for a wide range of applications. In terms of filtration and usage Coanda Screens provides significant advantages listed below:

No-power requirement

Effective cleaning with outstanding capacity

Long service life with negligible operational cost


FAQ about Coanda Screens

We are the Coanda Intake Screen custom manufacturer in China, we can provide the custom design service and products as your requirements, more details, please click the details information:  Custom Coanda Screen or contact us.

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