What is a static screen?
The static screen filter is a valuable tool in the pre-treatment of water and wastewater, primarily employed to eliminate coarse solids from wastewater in treatment plants. It is particularly effective in the screening of fibrous and non-greasy solids. This equipment is most advantageous when dealing with solids that readily separate from the liquid, allowing dissolved solids to slide away effortlessly.
One of the standout features of the static screen is its absence of moving parts, which means no need for additional actuating equipment. Moreover, it is self-cleaning, resulting in a straightforward operation and no associated maintenance costs.
The essential components of a static screen filter encompass the feed box, filter channel, wire mesh, and collection tank. The screen panel's unique multi-angle design significantly improves performance and enhances the separation of solids compared to flat panels.
In the pulp and paper industry, static screens go by the name "sidehill screens." They are also referred to as gravity screens, Hydrasieves, DSM screens, and Hydradensers. In various contexts, they may be known as slope screens, catenary screens, parabolic screens, or arc screens. In the mining industry, they are sometimes called sieve bends.
The static screen how to work in the Starch Industry?
Starch holds a significant presence in various industries, including food, textile, paper, pharmaceutical, chemical, and metallurgical sectors, leading to continuous growth in demand. The specifics of starch production processes differ based on the raw materials available, such as potatoes, corn, wheat, or tapioca. Crucial to their performance are the screens used for rinsing, filtration, separation, and dewatering of starch, pulp, and starch concentration in centrifuges.
With varying raw materials, the starch production process necessitates customization. Our technical team excels in tailoring starch screens, including static screen filters, to align with different production processes and specific requirements. The application of our static screen filter significantly enhances the efficiency of starch production processes, especially in corn-wet milling for fiber washing.
Are you looking for a reliable screen manufacturer?
If you are seeking a reliable screen manufacturer, look no further. YUANLV Filter Equipment is a proven and respected manufacturer of industrial screens. Our experienced team of designers and engineers, combined with advanced manufacturing capabilities, ensures the swift delivery of optimal solutions. Our wedge wire screens, available in the form of screen decks, sieve bends, wedge wire baskets for centrifuges, and static screen solutions, are perfectly suited to the starch industry's production processes.