Industrial companies using cooling towers for their facilities usually need some type of cooling tower water treatment system to ensure an efficient process and long equipment service life. If cooling tower water is left untreated, organic growth, fouling, scaling, and corrosion can reduce plant productivity, cause plant downtime, and require costly equipment replacements down the road.
What is a cooling tower water treatment system?
A cooling tower water treatment system is an arrangement of technologies that remove damaging impurities from your cooling tower feed water, circulation water, and/or blowdown.
In general, a basic cooling tower water treatment system typically includes some types of:
✭ clarification
✭ filtration and/or ultrafiltration
✭ ion exchange/softening
✭ chemical feed
✭ automated monitoring
Filtration and Ultrafiltration
The Filtration and Ultrafiltration are the most crucial steps in the water treatment process, both of which help remove suspended particles from the water. These particles can include turbidity, sediment, and other organic matter. This step of the water treatment process should occur early on to protect the resins and membranes in the system from fouling later on. If you choose ultrafiltration, it's possible to remove enough suspended particles to reach less than one micron of particles.
The best suits for filters are self-cleaning filter housings and wedge wire screen strainer in the step.
Water Softening/Ion Exchange
If you find that your makeup water or source water has a high level of hardness, you may need to use ion exchange or water softening processes to remove it.
The best ion exchange filter strainer is the Wedge Wire Resin Trap.
How to Check if a Cooling Tower Water Treatment is Needed for Your Plant?
To ensure efficient cooling and prevent damage, it's highly recommended to use a water treatment system in your cooling tower. When the water in a cooling tower isn’t treated, the problems that can result include corrosion and the development of scaling. Over time, the accumulation of these issues can result in decreased productivity, increased downtime for the plant, and high replacement costs for damaged equipment, which you should strive to avoid.
Cooling towers require water treatment to ensure a safe, reliable, and efficient system.
YUBO provides cooling tower water treatment filters for industries such as hospitality, industrial, and infrastructure.
Our filter solutions not only protect your cooling towers from corrosion, deposits, and microbiological growth, but also do much more. Our solutions maximize the life of your cooling water system while keeping energy, water, and maintenance costs as low as possible.
Partner with an Experienced Cooling Tower Water Treatment Company:
Our cooling tower water treatment involves using select filtration technologies and chemical products to remove toxic or otherwise damaging impurities from your cooling tower system. By cooling tower water treatment, you can resolve the top cooling tower issues, including:
Biofilm and fouling
Dirt and fine particulates.
Excessive Foam
If you own or manage a cooling tower, you may be considering your options for water treatment to improve the cleanliness, longevity, and efficiency of your system. However, because individual systems are unique, it can be challenging to determine which choice is best for you. Speaking with an experienced water treatment expert is always wise, but doing your own research is also helpful to prepare you for that conversation.
YUBO sets the standard for cooling tower treatment, and we would be happy to assist you in determining the most effective and long-lasting option for your cooling tower.
Reach out to schedule a consultation so that we can examine your water and make recommendations for your tower system.