
stainless steel vs plastic water filter nozzle

 Selecting the ideal material for an industry water filter nozzle is pivotal for optimal performance and durability. The material's intrinsic qualities significantly impact the nozzle’s lifespan and functionality. Two primary contenders for industry water nozzle construction are stainless steel and plastic, each with distinct advantages based on specific application requirements.

Water Filter Nozzle Stainless Steel vs. Plastic

Stainless Steel Water Nozzles:

Stainless steel, comprising iron, carbon, and alloying elements like chromium and nickel, offers remarkable hardness and resistance to erosion and chemical attacks. Variants like 304, 316, and 316L cater to diverse needs.

High Temperature Resistance:

Stainless steel thrives in high-temperature environments, enduring up to 500°C effectively.

Corrosion Resistance:

While robust, stainless steel exhibits varying corrosion resistance:

AISI 303: Good against atmospheric exposure and certain chemicals but weak against chlorides and high temperatures.

AISI 316/316L: Resistant to various salts and organic acids but susceptible to specific acids at elevated temperatures.

AISI 420/416: Suitable for drinkable water, steam, fuels, and alcohols.


In suitable environments, stainless steel nozzles offer cost-effective solutions.

Plastic Materials Water Nozzles:

Polymers like PVC, PP, and PVDF constitute thermoplastic nozzles, each with distinct temperature and chemical resistance properties. They are chosen based on compatibility with other components in the system.

Temperature Resistance:

Thermoplastics have low tolerance for high temperatures, leading to melting and deformation. Not recommended for high-temperature applications.

Corrosion Resistance:

Plastics excel in resisting corrosion and aggressive environments without additional protective measures.

Cost Efficiency:

Plastic nozzles prove cost-effective in highly corrosive conditions but might not offer savings in extreme heat or abrasion scenarios.

Considerations Beyond Stainless Steel and Plastic:

Apart from stainless steel and plastic, various metals and exotic materials cater to unique application needs.

Extending Nozzle Life:

Proper nozzle use and regular maintenance significantly prolong nozzle life, preventing quality issues and profit loss.

Tailored Solutions for Filter Nozzles:

For optimized filter performance, selecting nozzles designed to meet specific filter specifications is crucial. Options include material, mounting style, flow rate capacity, and tailpipes for air scour.

Get In Touch:

Reach out to us for guidance in selecting the ideal industry water treatment filter nozzle for your application. We offer an extensive range of custom water/wastewater treatment filter strainer products and filtration solutions. Contact us at 86-18032153916 or 

When optimizing filter performance within a nozzle underdrain system, precise alignment of the nozzles with your filter specifications is paramount. Our range offers diverse design options encompassing material, mounting style, flow rate capacity, and tailored tailpipes for air scouring. We are confident in providing filter nozzles that align seamlessly with your unique requirements.

We boast the capability to replace any existing OEM design available in the market. Whether it involves offering a direct replacement or customizing and redesigning the nozzle, our goal remains consistent: ensuring peak filter performance is achieved. This adaptability allows us to guarantee an optimal fit and functionality, tailored specifically to your filtration needs.



Intake Screen for Lakes Water Treatment


Intake Screen for Lakes Water Treatment

Economical and Reliable Wildlife Protection with Intake Screens

Intake screens serve as the guardians of surface water supplies, filtering raw water for various applications like cooling systems and wastewater treatment plants.

These water intake screens come in various types, each tailored to specific needs:
T-Intake Screens
Passive Water Intake Screens
Alloy Intake Screens

Half Intake Screens
Copper-Nickel Water Intake Screens

Cylindrical / Drum screens
Custom Intake Screens
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1. T-Intake Screens:

Popular for their T-shaped design, offering both water protection and cost savings. They serve as guardians for aquatic life and safeguard equipment.

T-Intake Screens sales manufacturer

2. Passive Water Intake Screens:

Engineered for efficiency, the patented YUBO design ensures even water flow distribution, reducing internal velocity by up to 40%. Available in stainless steel, super duplex, and copper-nickel Z-Alloy, catering to diverse needs.

water intake screen sales for water treatment

3. Alloy Intake Screens:

Specifically crafted to deter zebra mussel attachment, these screens, constructed with robust copper-nickel wire, ensure lasting protection in seawater applications.

4. Copper-Nickel Water Intake Screens:

Providing practical and economic advantages, these screens, crafted from copper-nickel, boast high reliability, available in Profile Bar and Resistance Welded Wedge Wire variants.

5. Custom Intake Screens:

Beyond standard designs, YUBO specializes in tailoring intake screens for challenging applications, ensuring the perfect fit for unique requirements.

custom intake screens for water treatment

Water intake screens—stand as the primary defense for municipal, industrial, and hydro intakes.

These intake screen filters not only protect aquatic life but also safeguard pumps and turbines against damaging debris.

Benefits of Our Water Intake Filter Screens:

–Passive with no moving parts
–Reduced operating costs
–Minimal clogging, maximizing water flow
–Versatile designs for various depths
–Compliance with Clean Water Act Section 316(b)
–Option for an airburst cleaning system
–Available in corrosion-resistant materials
The YUBO intake screen design creates a consistent flow velocity, effectively shielding aquatic organisms. The V-shaped wires ensure that fish and other organisms larger than the slot size remain unharmed.

Beyond standard offerings, YUBO’s specialist engineering team excels in customizing intake screens for challenging water treatment applications, ensuring optimal solutions tailored to specific needs.

YUBO—More Than an Intake Screen Factory, Your Ideal Intake Screen Manufacturer in China
Contact US by Emails


Industrial Water Filtration Systems Guide to Choosing

In your quest for an industrial water filtration system, you have reached the perfect resource. Our self-cleaning auto backwash filters are meticulously designed to eliminate impurities from water, catering to diverse industrial wastewater /water treatment applications. With a myriad of options available, thorough research serves as your compass in finding the system that seamlessly aligns with your unique requirements.

Industrial Water self cleaning auto backwash filter Guide to Choosing

Seven Key Considerations for Selecting Industrial Water Filters:

Contamination Level: Assess the level of solid contaminants in raw water. For highly contaminated water, periodic cleaning and filter replacement may be necessary. Consider sedimentation pre-treatment for significant solid contaminants.

Filtration Capacity: Determine treatment volumes based on product water usage, supply sources, pipe diameters, and pumping requirements. Continuous filtration demands may benefit from duplex filters, ensuring uninterrupted operations.

Quality Requirements: The desired water quality post-filtration dictates the type of filters needed. Filters must eliminate substances harmful to health, such as coliform bacteria, heavy metals, and other toxic materials, especially in drinking water applications.

Operating Conditions: Account for temperature, pressure, and flow rate specifications. Failure to consider these factors might lead to equipment damage and process interruptions.

Nature of Contaminants: Understand the size and type of contaminants—solid or dissolved. Regular analyses are crucial to prevent system alterations due to changing pollutants. Assess if toxins endanger worker health, necessitating specialized facilities and support tools.

Operating Costs: Consider the factory plant cost, installation fees, and site preparation. Evaluate ongoing maintenance expenses to determine the overall operational cost.

Wastewater Disposal Costs: Factor in downtime for servicing and maintenance, impacting operational expenses.

Industry Waste Water Treatment self cleaning Filter sales price

Selecting Suitable Automatic Backwash Water Filters

Automatic backwash filters offer versatility and efficiency. To choose the right one:

Consider treatment capacity and flow rate requirements.

Evaluate pipeline pressure within the system.

Determine the filtering precision necessary for your application.

Assess the concentration of suspended solids in impurities.

Account for relevant physical and chemical properties of the filter media.

Consider special applications that might require tailored solutions.

In managing water contaminants, employing proper treatment methods and suitable equipment shields your systems from potential harm.

YUANLV: Leading Water & Wastewater Treatment Plant Manufacturer

YUANLV stands as the premier water and wastewater treatment plant manufacturer in China. For support, inquiries, or product-related queries, contact us at admin@yuanlvfilter.com or call /whatsapp: 86-18032153916


Améliorer les processus chimiques grâce à des boîtiers de filtre autonettoyants avancés

 L’industrie chimique constitue l’épine dorsale de l’existence moderne et peut transformer les matières premières en produits indispensables comme les consommables, les matériaux de construction et les carburants. Cependant, le cœur de ce secteur complexe réside dans le fonctionnement fluide des usines de traitement chimique, où sécurité, efficacité et qualité s’entremêlent.

La filtration constitue un élément central dans ce domaine, servant de héros silencieux derrière l’assurance qualité, l’optimisation des processus et la sécurité environnementale. Dans la quête d’une filtration de premier ordre, les boîtiers de filtres autonettoyants apparaissent comme un phare de l’innovation, garantissant un flux fluide au sein des processus chimiques.


Équipement de filtration dans l’industrie chimique


L’industrie chimique s’appuie sur divers équipements de filtration pour réaliser des séparations précises en phases solide-liquide. Les filtres populaires comprennent des équipements de filtration chimique tels que des centrifugeuses à panier, des centrifugeuses à bol, des systèmes de filtration sous vide et sous pression, des filtres Sparkler et des filtres-presses.

La filtration constitue la pierre angulaire des processus chimiques, en particulier dans la séparation des composants solides et liquides, contribuant de manière significative à l’efficacité opérationnelle et à la qualité des produits.

self cleaning filter housing

self cleaning filter housing

Avantages distincts des boîtiers de filtre autonettoyants


Les boîtiers de filtre autonettoyants offrent des avantages inégalés par rapport aux systèmes de filtration conventionnels :

Protection du processus : Dans les usines de traitement chimique, l’intégrité des machines repose en grande partie sur une filtration efficace. Qu’il s’agisse d’un traitement commercial en petits lots ou d’opérations industrielles à grande échelle, les systèmes de boîtiers de filtres autonettoyants jouent un rôle central. Leur conception scellée empêche les fuites, la contamination et l’exposition à des particules nocives, garantissant ainsi la protection des machines et la sécurité des employés et des consommateurs. De plus, leurs unités de rétention de grande capacité empêchent le reflux, évitant ainsi les interruptions de production causées par les impuretés piégées.

Optimisation de la production et réduction des temps d’arrêt : le traitement chimique repose sur une production continue et ininterrompue. Des systèmes de filtration inadéquats peuvent entraîner des pannes ou des obstructions, perturbant les opérations et entraînant des pertes de temps et financières considérables. Les systèmes de boîtiers de filtres autonettoyants en acier inoxydable YUBO sont non seulement étanches, mais également très fiables. Quels que soient les débits, nos systèmes sont conçus pour répondre aux exigences des opérations par lots et en continu. Même si votre besoin spécifique ne figure pas dans notre inventaire, nos ingénieurs peuvent créer un système de boîtier sur mesure parfaitement adapté à vos besoins.

Besoin d’une solution de filtration qui optimise l’efficacité et protège vos processus chimiques ?

Contactez-nous chez YUBO pour un devis personnalisé adapté à vos besoins uniques.

Obtenez un devis

Chez YUBO, nous disposons de filtres autonettoyants de haute qualité, méticuleusement conçus pour répondre à un large éventail de produits chimiques. Des polymères aux résines, nos filtres soutiennent divers processus tels que le refroidissement, le chauffage, le traitement de l’eau, etc.

Pourquoi la filtration règne en maître dans les procédés chimiques ?


Purification des matières premières : Le voyage des matières premières impures vers un produit raffiné commence par la filtration. En éliminant les contaminants dès le départ, la filtration prépare les matériaux de base pour des produits finaux de qualité supérieure, une nécessité dans des industries comme celle des produits pharmaceutiques.

Élimination des catalyseurs et des impuretés : le filtrage des catalyseurs et des impuretés indésirables après la réaction garantit la pureté et l’excellence du produit final, évitant ainsi tout compromis sur la qualité.

Séparation des phases solide-liquide : Au milieu des réactions chimiques, les prouesses de la filtration brillent dans la séparation des phases solides et liquides. Par exemple, dans la production d’antibiotiques, la filtration extrait la substance souhaitée d’un mélange complexe.

Clarification des liquides : Du traitement de l’eau à divers procédés chimiques, la filtration facilite l’élimination des matières en suspension, garantissant la pureté du composant liquide.

Récupération des produits : la filtration joue un rôle central dans la récupération des produits issus des processus chimiques, permettant le recyclage et la réutilisation tout en garantissant des produits finaux de haute qualité.

Contrôle qualité et efficacité : partie intégrante du contrôle qualité, la filtration garantit le respect de normes strictes, améliorant l’efficacité et réduisant les coûts en affinant la qualité des produits et en minimisant les temps d’arrêt.


Essentiellement, la filtration apparaît non seulement comme un processus mais comme la pierre angulaire de l’excellence dans le domaine chimique. YUBO s’est imposé comme l’un des principaux fabricants de filtres en Chine, proposant des solutions de filtration sur mesure couvrant les secteurs de la chimie, du pétrole et du gaz, de l’alimentation et des boissons et de la pharmacie depuis plus d’une décennie. Notre gamme diversifiée d’équipements de filtration et de crépines répond à des processus chimiques variés, garantissant des opérations transparentes et des normes élevées.

Découvrez nos solutions de filtration industrielles dès aujourd’hui et soyez témoin de la transformation qu’elles apportent à vos processus chimiques.

Polyurethane Screen Panels-Improve Quarrying and Mining Efficiency

 Polyurethane screen panels revolutionize the screening process in multiple industries by offering a mesh screening medium crafted from top-tier polyurethane material. These Polyurethane screen panels, seamlessly fitting vibrating screens across metallurgy, coal, chemical, construction, and various sectors, excel in finely screening bulk materials.

Industries across coal preparation, coking plants, mines, power generation, and river dredging find immense utility in Polyurethane screen panels. Polyurethane screen panels’ superiority over steel woven wire screens lies in several advantageous traits: exceptional abrasion resistance, corrosion immunity, reduced noise levels, and unmatched precision during operations. They consistently deliver optimal screening performance, avoiding fracturing or cracking under vibration.

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polyurethane screen panel sales factory

Key Features and Benefits of Polyurethane Screen Panels:

Unparalleled Durability:

The elastic modulus, impact absorption, and wear resistance of polyurethane result in exceptional tensile strength. With a bearing capacity over 2.5 times that of rubber panels, their service life extends 8-10 times longer than ordinary metal screens, 3 times that of stainless steel, and 3.9 times that of natural rubber. It stands as the world’s top wear-resistant sieve material.

High Screening Efficiency:

The self-cleaning properties of polyurethane surfaces prevent pore blockage, ensuring consistently high screening efficiency.


Compatible with any vibrating screen type and customizable to specific needs.

Precision Screening:

Mold casting technology ensures precise mesh aperture design, delivering high-quality screening and meeting users’ particle size requirements effectively.

Wide Application Range:

From coal and sand mining to building materials and metal mining, polyurethane panels adapt seamlessly. They excel in dry or wet screening scenarios without compromising efficiency, showcasing remarkable dewatering and descreening capabilities.


Polyurethane screen panels represent a reliable and high-performance solution for screening equipment. Our offerings encompass a variety of sizes, shapes, patterns, and apertures. For further details or inquiries about our products, feel free to contact us via email at sales@oemubo.com at your convenience.

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